hidden hit counter

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

so deanna banana just came over with joe and we played mall madness!!!! how exciting...and then she left, but as she was leaving she dared me to eat some grass and it doesnt taste too well if ya know what i mean, of course im sure im going to get a comment from my mother saying i bet a dog pissed there and it probably did but thats not what turned my tongue green bitch....just kidding i love you patio.....

anyways i got my hair did today....lol, or done but whatever some more highlights and a trim...it was about time.....so mom and i had some mother daughter bonding time at the hair salon tonight..wooohooo it was fantabulous

i babysat earlier for cam and lola and i bought cameron a talking dora the explorer backpack and we played with that thing for 5 1/2 hours.....it was actually kinda fun, im going to miss the little guy over my break. hes a fun kid.