its thursday if ya didnt already know!!!
anyways, so ive had a way weird day today...not that its bad, but a little weird for me. ok so last night i went to the library and studied with jessica for my stats test (dont go there) and when i got done i had a missed call. so i look on my phone and im like who is this 504 number. so i call it back and it was jody d. how weird is that, ok so i havent talked to the guy in like a year or two but it was kinda nice that he called. anyways so we are talking and he goes hey what are you doing this weekend. and i say just taking the lil sis out on saturday and other than that nothing. he proceeds to say why dont you come up here and ill cook you dinner....can someone please tell me what that was about.
anyways, deanna took the exit exam, and well im assuming she is going to exit but i dont know when or how but she is going to exit. and i cant find ash because apparenlty she has run away from the willage so hopefully she hasnt been raped murdered pillaged stolen or lost, cause that would suck, i mean who would i decorate with then?
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