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Saturday, April 02, 2005

nothing to do

its friday night and i have nothing to do, this is so so so sad. all my friends are doing something so it pretty much sucks. #1 puppy slut is with her girls at the arena and has been there alllllll freaking day...well except when she went to mellow mushroom without me :(. The Ash on some retreat with the "B" and John is nowhere to be found (actually i think he is hiding in his bed)

So Adam called me today out of nowhere again to wish me a happy birthday on tuesday (apparently he has to work and wanted to make sure that he told me) whooda thunk. he does remember these things.

ok so whats with everyone dying this week? ok terri schiavo, mitch hedberg(this was an especially sad day in the willage) and now the pope is on his way...can i get a WTF, what have they put in the water?

ok well im headed out because my lovely neighbors have invited me to play hide-and-seek so im out (oh and my bday is on tuesday the 5th!!!)