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Monday, November 21, 2005

just in a blah kinda mood..

so i just finished a research paper with no help from anyone...thanks guys!! i tried bribing my sister with monetary rewards to write my paper for me, but would she??? nope. she claims that she doesnt do scholarly work anymore...i guess that just makes her what we know as common folk around these here woods.

went out to dindin with with the boyer side of the family tonight. sorry jeffie, but they are related to your beloved linzbeth. and yes sadly that means that they are also related to me. JUST WAIT UNTIL YOUVE MET PATIO'S SIDE THOUGH!!! put both of them together in a melting pot and what do you get....probably a civil war but whats a little war going to hurt?

just returned from oxford, ms. i went to visit only the greatest girls in the world!! had a blast as always, even though i got my booty handed to me playing monopoly by a certain mr. sean stubbs. but i hung in there, it wouldnt have been so bad if matt hadnt given up. but that is neither here nor there. ok yeah and ole miss got stomped by lsu 40-7 or something like that..all i know is that it was super cold.

and the highlight of my entire weekend, for those of you who dont already know...i got clocked in "police jurisdiction, AL" as i would like to call it. in other words in the middle of freaking nowhere ALABAMA, i got clocked at a whopping 68 mph. but heres the kicker peeps, i got pulled over doing 68 in a 65 mph zone. do these people really not have anything better to do? and according to my ticket i was "speeding and PRUDENT" so in other words im a cautious speeder. i want to think he got his words mixed up.