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Monday, July 09, 2007

whoa whoa whoa two in a row row row...

1. wow....im getting back into the swing of things. so i got to pick up my car....im thinking its pretty much time to retire it....but alas i will drive the damnit out of it. It just needed a new AC fan and a new battery. but back to the fan part. Apparently my little AC fan worked itself into a frenzy and freaking melted and welded itself to some other part in my car. I owe you dad. This has not been the year of the car.

2. my face is peeling itself off little by little. yes the quickest way to loose a pound off your face.....go to the beach my dears go to the beach.

3. its 3 dollar margarita day and i have no friends....to share this experience with. so sad.

anyways kinda bored...i guess its nap time.