hidden hit counter

Friday, September 30, 2005


ok would someone please explain to me how in the world their are lesbians. ok so i dont mean like how...please no...but how can a girl like another girl. Girls are total bitches. they are mean, evil and overly dramatic. why would a girl want to date another girl? total proof that girls are evil...

Proof that all girls are evil….

Girls cost money and time….

Girls = Time x Money….

Everyone says that time = money….

If time = money….

Girls = money x money….

Girls = money²….

Money is the root of all evil….

Girls = √ evil²….


Girls = Evil

its a proven fact. i just dont get lesbians i guess.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


friends....you cant live with them and you certainly cant live without them. ok so my friends are my saving grace, and i love them dearly. and you know that you are a true friend when your drunk ass mofo friends come over and ring your doorbell frantically at 11:00pm and you get up and take care of them (i need a good friend award). now i know that some of you say 11 thats not late. well it is when you were up until 5:30am writing a paper. then sucking it up,and getting up at 7am and going to all your classes (including your 8am class).

so here's to myself for having quality friends that pick me when they just want to "hang out and talk". thank you bkkk and ryan. i enjoyed your company last night.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

onward through the fog...

anyways, nothing new to report just had the boys this weekend although mack told me he, i repeat HE, was a lesbian. strange child that one.

made the cash flow this weekend which means that yoyoyolanda will get her moola :) sorry its taken a little longer than expected yoyo.

so i spent most of my day at chuck e. cheese-where a kid can be a kid. got about 700 hundred tickets (why wasnt i this good when i was like 6?) not that it would have mattered because i hated going to chuck's because im not a big fan of crowds. maybe thats where i got my fear from when i got lost in chuck's. who knows?

anyways its bill collecting time apparently because everything has come at once. life blows around this time of the month. stupid people who want money from me. why why why? this whole real world thing, its totally painful.

Friday, September 23, 2005

well it must be strike time again...

strike strike strike....

comment comment please someone
comments comments are so fun
when i get them i get happy
but when i dont then i feel crappy
so if you care then please be kind
leave a comment i dont mind :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

comments few and far

damnit jeffie...comment. otherwise im going on strike again.

booger buddy calling...

so an eventful trip to H.H. like it would have been any different. so i come back today burnt to a crisp and loving every minute of it :) thank goodness for 16 hours in the sun. plus the hair is a little lighter...and im not sure if im liking it or not. by the time it actually grows on me it will turn dark again.

so while at hilton head we had loads of fun...
the frosty frog
mom walking into the mens bathroon
kristins booger forehead and buddy!!!
yuengling beer
the beach wedding
moms beltone (or lack there of)
dad and the dang boot
KENNY!!! and juan.
me falling into the pool

you know the usual trouble i seem to get into on vacation!!!

on a lighter note when the fam got home, the bobby kkk and i decided to kick it tonight together (and nikki and ash) BKKK and I went to wendys and jammed to some napolean dynamite tunes!!! needless to say i felt like i wanted to dance dance dance!! so it was pretty fun. we basically sat there when we got back and watched laguna beach like mindless drones. then family guy came on and that was the end of it!!! love me some family guy!!!

tomorrow i have tons of school and night class which im sure is classified as school but really its just 2 hours out of my day that i could use to um sleep or something. and mom is going to the spa tomorrow without me...how dare she. apparently she wanted peacefulness and relaxation time...so i know how to take hints. not very gracefully but i can take them...dangit you and the damn spa.

oh and we went to savannah, ga today on our way home and took way cool pictures of some way cool homes. hahah lindsay thats twice now. oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOBALICIOUS. i love you man

Friday, September 16, 2005

3 words...drained brain train

i have mush for brains right now. yes i said it mush for brains. im working off of 2 1/2 hours of sleep. i had 4 exams today, yes count them, four...ok well 3 and a quiz but it sure felt like an exam in my night class.

so leighann turned 21 today yeah, we had a light social gathering at her apartment, and when about 15 girls get together, it can only mean one thing. FUN FUN FUN!!! needless to say i had a blast all day even though i had exams and little sleep.

ok so my exams went like this:

1. Food and Culture: eh so-so

2. Architecture: i so kicked ass...and a very loud and public THANK YOU to leighann bobann for that one

3. Communications: what the hell was that thing that i took today?

4. School Health Program: Typical 4 short answer questions and another quiz just to prove how stupid i really am.

Needless to say it was more than a spectacular day on the homefront...right right!!!! But im probably headed to bed because i have a long day of sleeping ahead of me in the car on the way to the beach!!!! heck yes. so no updates until probably monday and seeing that bobs bday is sunday well happy birthday dad!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

my sister knows everything!!!

ok so tonight while i was taking a study break i called yolanda!!! and she did this shit to my blog....thanks yo!!!

anyways update on some bobalicious...he has nothing to do now that he has a broken foot (long story but he fell on some stairs) he was asleep tonight by like 6pm. maybe those were the meds talking but who really knows.

i had the boys tonight and they are doing swell. as usual they were beating the crap out of each other and well thats about it with them.

im supposed to be studying and we all see how that is going!!! lol, anyways im pulling an all nighter with joann and leighann, and well its leighanns birthday today so HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY LEIGHANN!!! hope its rockin!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

nothing new to report, just an update on life...

and boy does it suck. i have 3 exams on thursday so needless to say i have buried myself in a vat of useless books until then. and some of you may say oh education classes cant be that hard, its not like its molecular biology/law school/viscous flow computation or anything fun like that. but you see my dear friends i will be teaching your future children so be nice to me, i control their futures....well maybe just in 4th grade but you know..whatever. just kidding. i really do enjoy my particular career path, its just sometimes i just want it to be over with.

Monday, September 12, 2005

a public thank you to ryan!!!

THANK YOU RYAN!!! now you can all hear about my mundane life once again. if it had not been for ryan, you all would be shedding tears right about now. i know how each and everyone of you works. well the few that actually read this thing!

anyways another year over at the boyer house. you would think our years would start in january, but nope, it was a sad sad sad day as my father painstakingly made us close the pool.

nothing new to report other than pool closings. i went out last night had way too much fun as usual. you know how that goes. fortunately lindsay i did not pull a san antonio!!!

strike strike strike...

im going on strike until someone comments on my blogs damnit.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Are You Teacher Material?

So you were standing on the playground. Every kid in school had been picked for a team except you. Tears welled up in your eyes. Suddently you felt your teacher's hand on your shoulder. "Listen," she said, "when we go back inside, you can pass out the milk cartons." You looked at your teacher with awe and gratitude, and even though she was sixty-five years old, and wore the same dress every day, you thought: I want to be like her when I grow up.

Or, perhaps your desire to teach began when you first noticed the amount of power your teacher wielded in the classroom: How nice it would be to control the lives of others, to decide when people might have a drink of water or a bowel movement.

Then again, you might have decided to become a teacher because you have a deep love for learning, children, and the smell of fresh ditto papers. Whatever the reason, you think you want to be a teacher. But are you truly suited for the profession? Do you have the bladder of a horse? Are you eager to take a poverty vow without the luxury of living rent-free in a convent? how many times a day can you bear to look inside people's mouths for bubble-gum? In other words: Are you teacher material?

1. Do you want to educate young people so you can make the world a better place? And still get off work by 3:30?

2. Do you like school and would you enjoy working with kids who don't?

3. Are you a serious scholar who likes teaching? And monitoring cafeterias?

4. Do you enjoy meeting new people who remind you of yourself when you were an obnoxious kid?

5. Are you a tactful person who can talk to parents about their children's problems? When the children's problems are their parents.

6. Do you want to have a two-month summer vacation so you can do fun things? Like teach summer school!

7. Would you enjoy working with kids who enjoy learning? As long as what they are learning is about Britney Spears?

8. Do you like to eat exotic foods? Such as Bar-B-Que Meat Loaf Squares?

So, if you can answer yes to some of these questions, then maybe you are teacher material!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Strategies for coping with children who are "acting out"

1. call the office and ask someone with a deep voice to recite the Ten Commandments over the school intercom.

2. Give everyone a library pass, then lock the door from the inside.

3. Organize a lesson around a demonstration that will touch on a common interest of all the students: a fight to the death between two pit bulls, for instance.

4. Take the class on a field trip to the Bermuda Triangle. Make sure you get off before the plane leaves.

5. Tell the students that if they stop screwing up, they may one day be eligible for parole.

6. Put up a sign that reads "Bedlam Asylum, 1783" and invite the principal in to view your historical tableau.

7. Try to get some of the virgos transferred to another section.

8. Pipe nitrous oxide in through the heating ducts.

9. Tell the class to pay attention while you explain the miracle cure for zits.

10. Hire as teacher's aides the three runners-up in the Mr. T. look-alike contest.

11. Apply for federal disaster relief.

12. See your travel agent.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

18 glorious reasons to be a teacher...

ok so you want to be a teacher. That's ok, but you had better be ready for the question. The question is, "Are you crazy?" Of course the most precise, eloquent, and expeditious answer to the Question is ,"YES," but, in case you feel some masochistic need to elaborate on your compulsion, here are 18 perfectly logical reasons to become a teacher that any psychiatrist can understand.

You should become a teacher if:

1. You want to get home before the rush hour starts, even if you have to drive a 1968 Dodge Dart to do it.

2. You want your summers free so you can scrape together a living by driving a cab, tending bar, and selling fuller brushes.

3. You are a natural actor, unfazed by an audience that eats fritos, applies nail polish, and cracks Double Bubble during your performance.

4. You want to keep learning, especially about the chief exports of Liberia.

5. You are never wrong and are always the first to admit it.

6. You want to prove to your mother that even if you cant pass geometry, at least you can teach it.

7. You want to impress your friends-particularly those under the age 11.

8. You enjoy tinkering with overhead projectors in your spare time.

9. Your favortie movie is DNA and You.

10. You want to be able to write any trip farther away than the Laundromat off your income taxes.

11. You love moron jokes

12. You have neat handwriting.

13. You particulary love moron jokes.

14. You want to be called Mr. or Ms. even if your starting pay is only $20,000 a year.

15. Your idea of a good summer beach read is Bragdon and McKutchin's History of a Free People.

16. You love kids. Or perhaps more precisely-you hate adults.

17. You are a whiz at making stuff out of Popsicle sticks and egg cartons.

18. You really love moron jokes.

highlights from this weekend!!!

1. Alexis and her sexy boot dance!!!

2. Drama drama drama

3. My friends not being there when i got there...hahah good times.

4. A drunk sean stubbs. Always fun times.

5. White chicks!!!

6. Coop DeVille

7. People who keep calling despite what you really want to say to them.

8. Ground Zero and dancing the night away.

9. Clarksdale has a Super Wal-Mart...and its backwards!!

10. Kristin yelling at people to stop filling up barrells at the gas station and then realizing they are from the coast...oops

11. Backyard burger in the pajamas at 4 in the afternoon.

12. L.I.I.T. all the way baby.

so it was a fun time had by all in o-town this weekend not too muc of anything going on. all in all it was a super weekend and i miss alexis, jessica, and kristin already.